
🦃 Fall Leaves Turkey Craft

By LeeAnne, Creator, Raising Veggie Lovers November 9, 2021

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Cue the turkey crafts! I believe just about every kid makes handprint turkeys in preschool and kindergarten this time of year… so why not change things up a bit!

Here’s a fun and easy turkey craft made out of fall leaves. So, the next time your kids go outside to play in the leaves, be sure to collect a bunch of them for this project.


  • fall leaves
  • white cardstock (2)
  • construction paper or colored cardstock  
  • markers, colored pencils or crayons
  • glue
  • scissors

Step 1: Draw the turkey’s body on a piece of white cardstock.

Step 2: Color the turkey and cut it out.

Step 3: Next, cut off the stems of the leaves.

Step 4: Glue the leaves to a piece of white cardstock. Fan them out to make them look like a turkey’s tail. Start with the larger leaves, then layer the smaller leaves on top of them.

Step 5: Glue it to a larger piece of colored cardstock or construction paper to frame the picture. Then, glue the turkey’s body on top of the leaves. 

LeeAnne is the creator behind Raising Veggie Lovers, a resource for delicious recipes, fun crafts, and educational activities for kids. She is a stay-at-home mom of two young kids, and when she’s not busy with them, she enjoys trying new foods and traveling. 

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